Team Fundraiser Event Sunday April 26th

Attention Team Parents!

505 Racing is holding a Team Fundraiser Sunday April 26th Spirit of the North Valley fundraiser booth the team will sell food & beverages to the visitors of the Spirit of the North Valley festival.

We participate in this event each year and need all Team Parents come help out by working shifts in the booth.

Spirit of the North Valley '09 - Sunday, April 26, 2009 @ Noon Parade starts at 10:45am at El Pinto Restaurant and goes to the RGSCC park.
Spirit of the North Valley is a community celebration in April in which Raymond G. Sanchez Community Center and Bernalillo County provide an enjoyable day in the sun that includes a parade, performances, food, and fun for the entire family. Entertainment will include Solera, Mariachi Tenampa and Rock Bottom.